Multimodal Publishing

Multimodal Publishing

Research project (2013)

The sphere of mass media is deeply transformed by the irruption of network technologies. Thus, the editorial field of magazines faces an increasing phenomenon of fragmentation and differentiation. New editorial projects and new “communities of readers” appear, characterized by an unprecedented and innovative structure of diffusion and reception. These media are a paradox : they are at the same time products of high editorial complexity while being based on a restricted editorial structure. In this context, Multimodal Publishing aims at :

Main applicant

ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne
Pierre Fantys (project leader)

Research team

François Rappo
Erol Gemma (assistant)


Workshops direction: Jop van Bennekom, Maxime Buechi, Jason Evans, Jörg Koch, Erwan Frotin, Ian Party, Paolo Roversi, Maurice Scheltens, Christian Schwartz, Yorgo Tloupas, Gerard Unger.
Interviews and and theoretical contributions : Michel Guerrin, Angelo Cirimele, Lionel Bovier, Stéphanie Moisdon.


2009 – 2013

Supported by

ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne
Strategic fund of the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO RCDAV)



Mock up x36
Edited by l'ECAL, 2013

RaD,  Multimodal Publishing
RaD,  Multimodal Publishing
RaD,  Multimodal Publishing